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ANAL FISTULA is a tunnel between skin and anus may be accompanied by Infection . Mostly anal fistula is caused by infection in anal gland which spreads to skin .
Causes of Anal Fistula
1) Crohn’s Disease
2) Tuberculosis
4) Diverticulitis
5) Cancer and Radiation Treatment for Cancer
6) Sexually Transmitted Disease
7) Addiction
8) Fissure can develop itself into Fistula

Symptoms of Anal Fistula :-

1) Frequent Anal Abscesses
2) Pain and redness in or around rectal region
3) Bleeding from anus or/and from opening outside
4) Pus discharge from Anus or/and from Opening outside
5) Fever ,chills and Malliase

Susruta has described five types of Bhagandara(Sataponak, Ustragriwa, Parisrabi, Sambukawarta, Unmargi). They have been classified according to the vitiation of the three doshas and the shape & site of the fistula tract.

Anal Fistula Treatment

Anal fistulas usually require surgery as they rarely heal if left untreated. The main options include a procedure (fistulotomy) that involves cutting open the fistula so it heals into a flat scar.
But outcomes of Fistulotomy and flap procedure are really poor .Reoccurence rates are very high .

kshar sutra ligation: Kshara Sutra therapy is a minimal invasive ayurvedicparasurgical procedure and tested ayurvedic technique for the management of anorectal disorders including anal fistula and other sinus diseases. The Kshara Sutra is inserted in the fistula with the help of a probe and both ends of the Kshara Sutra are tied together. The Kshara Sutra is replaced by a new one after an interval of one week. The Kshara Sutra gradually cuts and heals the tract. Finally the whole fistulous tract heals after cutting.
Other than this if all precautions are done ,then Anal Fistula can be treated by oral Ayurvedic medications also .

Anal Fistula Treatment

Anal fistulas usually require surgery as they rarely heal if left untreated. The main options include a procedure (fistulotomy) that involves cutting open the fistula so it heals into a flat scar.
But outcomes of Fistulotomy and flap procedure are really poor .Reoccurence rates are very high .

kshar sutra ligation: Kshara Sutra therapy is a minimal invasive ayurvedicparasurgical procedure and tested ayurvedic technique for the management of anorectal disorders including anal fistula and other sinus diseases. The Kshara Sutra is inserted in the fistula with the help of a probe and both ends of the Kshara Sutra are tied together. The Kshara Sutra is replaced by a new one after an interval of one week. The Kshara Sutra gradually cuts and heals the tract. Finally the whole fistulous tract heals after cutting.
Other than this if all precautions are done ,then Anal Fistula can be treated by oral Ayurvedic medications also .

Precautions for Anal Fistula

1) Don’t take Chilly and spicy foods , fast foods , Food items with different qualities 2) Food Items rich in White floor , black gram , sweet and sour taste should be avoided 3) Constipating Food Items should be avoided 4) Wrong Food Habits should be avoided 5) Long Sitting habits should be avoided 6) Regular wash of anorectal region with anti-microbial solutions We here at Shree Ram Ayurveda , treat This vivid disease of Anal Fistula by both Oral Ayurvedic Medications and Through KSHAR-SUTRA therapy .

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